

单词 a lame

a lame

A lame is when you stuff 3-4 golf balls in a condom, then fill it with water, tie it off, and put it in the freezer. You use a lame by fucking your girl with it like a regular dildo. She will like the cold from the ice, then as the ice melts she will enjoy the texture of the golf balls. This was created by eskimos.
> Shaney I hear you like to fuck your girlfriend with a lames that you had made in your igloo. She is a chubby whale of a muk, and also a squirter, right?
> Yeah, using a lame means that she doesnt feel as bad about ruining all of the clean sheets since the melted ice would make a mess of it's own. In shaktoolik there aren't a lot of other options for young lesbians.




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