English as she is spoken
English as she is spoken
look aside cache
lookaside cache
look aside memory
look-aside memory
look aside register
look-aside registers
look as if
look as if butter would not melt in one's mouth
look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
look as if one came out from a bandbox
look as if one came out of a bandbox
look as if one came out of bandbox
look as if one came out one is fresh from a bandbox
look as if one has been dragged through a hedge backwards
look as if one has lost a shilling and found sixpence
look as if one stepped out from a bandbox
look as if one stepped out of a bandbox
look as if one stepped out of bandbox
look as if one stepped out one is fresh from a bandbox
look as if you have seen a ghost
look a sight
look askance
look askance at
look askew at sth
look at !
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更新时间:2025/3/18 12:31:01