film bin
film bin
《英汉医学词典》film bin
Resection of fascia of hand for graft
Resection of femoral head and neck of femur
resection of fibula
Resection of head of phalanx of toe
resection of head of radius
resection of hemangioma
Resection of hepatic ducts
Resection of humeral head
resection of ileocecum
resection of ileocecum and ascending colon
Resection of ileum
resection of infrastructure
Resection of infundibulum of right heart
Resection of intestine for interposition
Resection of intracranial artery with anastomosis
Resection of intracranial artery with replacement
resection of jaw
Resection of jejunum
resection of labial frenum
Resection of large intestine for interposition
Resection of left hemicolon
Resection of left ventricle of heart
Resection of lesion of bladder
resection of let ventricular aneurysm
Resection of levator palpebrae muscle
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