Flos Ginseng
Flos Ginseng
《英汉药名关联词典》Flos Ginseng
[中文名] 人参花
[拼音] Renshenhua
[拉丁名] Flos Ginseng
[英文名] Ginseng Flower
[所属科名] 五加科
[入药部位] 花
frequency of survey
frequency of th e carrier wave
frequency of the carrier wave
frequency of the natural hydraulic mode
frequency of the rarer allele of a pair
frequency of the sample rate
frequency of the workpiece spectrum
frequency of tone
frequency of traffic
frequency of trip
Frequency of urination
frequency of urinatior
frequency of urine
frequency of usage
frequency of use
Frequency of uterine contraction
frequency of valve operation
frequency of vehicle current repair
frequency of vibration
frequency of wave
frequency of wind direction
frequency of wind speed
frequency of wink
frequency of working
frequency optimum traffic
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