Fritillaria ningguoensis S.C.Chen et S.F.Yin
Fritillaria ningguoensis S.C.Chen et S.F.Yin
《英汉药名关联词典》Fritillaria ningguoensis S.C.Chen et S.F.Yin
[中文名] 宁国贝母
[拉丁名] Fritillaria ningguoensis S.C.Chen et S.F.Yin
coefficient of precision
coefficient of pressure
coefficient of pressure conductivity
coefficient of pressure diffusion
coefficient of preventative maintenance
coefficient of price elasticity of demand
coefficient of price flexibility
coefficient of price reaction
coefficient of price sensitivity
coefficient of probability
coefficient of production
coefficient of product-moment correlation
coefficient of product moment correlation
coefficient of product requirement
coefficient of products transport
coefficient of products transported to total produced
coefficient of profile shifting
coefficient of proportionality
coefficient of propulsion
coefficient of protection concept
coefficient of psephicity
coefficient of pseudo anomaly
coefficient of pth order
coefficient of pulsation
coefficient of purification
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