单词 | getted |
释义 | getted[get] vt. 得到;获得: to get information 获得情报 受到;收到;接到;领取,领受: to get a present 收到礼物 赢得,博得,取得;挣得: to get a prize 得奖 to get a living 谋生 买,购买;预订: Will you get one for me? 你能替我买一件吗? (用电话、无线电等)与…取得联系,远距离通讯联络;(无线电)收听到,收看到: Can you get VOA on your radio? 你的收音机能收听到美国之音吗? You can get me by telephone. 你可以通过电话与我联系。 去拿来,取来,带来;索要;搞到…: Go (and) get your notebooks. 去把你的笔记本拿来。 It is often difficult to get books back from people to whom you have lent them. 把书借给别人后,要想要回来很难。 抓住,逮住,捕获,俘获: The police got the thief. 警察抓住了小偷。 感染上(疾病),得(病),患(病): I have got a bad cold. 我患了重感冒。 搭上(车、船等);赶上(火车等): I got the six o'clock train. 我赶上了六点钟的火车。 明白,了解,理解;记住,听见: I didn't get your last name. 我没有听清你的姓。 I don't get what you mean. 我不明白你的意思。 学会;掌握: He got the lesson without difficulty. 他毫无困难地掌握了课文。 计算出,得到: Add 2 and 2 to get 4. 2加2得4。 说服,劝说,劝导,促使(某人)做某事: We'll get him to leave. 我们会说服他离开。 弄;搞;放,置;搬,移: I can't get them all in. 我不能将它们都弄进去。 使得,把…弄得;使被弄得: to get one's hands dirty 把手弄脏 使达到: Get the copy to the printer. 把这份稿子送到印刷厂去。 被判(刑),遭受(惩罚),受到(打击): to get ten years for robbery 因抢劫被判处10年徒刑 准备(饭);吃,喝: to get lunch 吃午饭 (尤指动物)生(仔),生产 [口语][用完成时态,后接不定式]不得不,必须(常与have, has连用): He's got to pass the test. 他必须通过考试。 [口语][用完成时态]有,拥有,占有(常与have, has连用): He's got red hair. 他长着红头发。 [口语]掌握,制服;压倒;完全控制: His illness finally got him. 他的病终于把他搞垮了。 [口语]把…难住;使为难,使窘困: This problem gets me. 这问题把我难住了。 拘留;抓住;伤害;杀死 [美国英语]【棒球等】使(对手)退场,把(对手)杀出局 [口语]打,击,打击;击中,射中: The blow got him in the eye. 那一击打中了他的眼睛。 [口语]使兴奋;使高兴;使喜欢;使中意;使激动: Her singing gets me. 她的歌声打动了我。 [口语]使恼火,使恼怒,激怒 [口语]看到,注意,瞧: Get the look on his face! 你瞧他脸上的那副神气! [古语]使(自己)离去[常独立使用] vi. 到达,抵达;来到,回到: At what time shall we get to London? 我们什么时候可以抵达伦敦? to get to work on time 按时去工作 成为,变为,变得,变成;(开始…)起来,逐渐…起来: She is getting old. 她开始衰老了。 The weather is getting warm. 天气渐渐变暖了。 设法对付;想法做到,竟然成功地: to get to do something 设法做某事 获得利益(或财富),赚到钱: He spends all his time getting and spending. 他把他所有的时间都花在赚钱和消费上了。 [口语]立即走开(或离开),走,滚: She told him to get. 她叫他马上离开。 [在习语中作联系动词用;在被动结构中作非正式的助动词,起强调作用]: to get praised 受到表扬 to get married 结婚 开始…起来[跟表示动作的现在分词连用]: to get moving 开始行动起来 n. [总称]幼兽,仔,崽;雄性种马的马驹;子孙 生殖,生育,繁殖 【网球等】回球,抢救险球 [英国俚语]=git [美国俚语](罪犯)逃离犯罪现场的路线 收入,门票收入 近义词: acquire . gain . obtain . procure . secure 反义词: forgo . lose 短语: can't get it up for [美国口语]缺乏劲头;对…不感兴趣 can't get there from here [美国口语] 从这里到那里路难走且远 无法解决那难题 get a bead on [俚语]向…瞄准 get above oneself [口语]变得狂妄自大,自傲 get a charge out of 因…而感到兴奋 get a clobbering 尝到了失败的滋味,受到了挫折;遭到严厉的谴责(或惩罚) get acquainted with 见 acquaint get a jerk on something [俚语]赶快干某事,使劲干某事 Get along (或away, out)(with you)! [口语] 滚开!走开! 去你的!别胡扯!(表示不相信) get anywhere (使)到达某地 [口语](使)有些结果(或成就、进展);使行得通[美国英语亦作 get anyplace][常用于否定句或疑问句] get a rise out of 惹某人恼怒 get away from it all [口语]一走了之;(以度假等方式)逃避都市生活(或生活中的某些烦恼) get away special project 附加开放实验计划 get away with it 做了错事(或坏事)而不被发觉(或不受处罚);逍遥法外 get away with murder 见 murder Get away with you! [口语]别胡扯!去你的!(表示不相信) get back at someone [口语]向某人进行报复 get back into circulation 恢复正常生活(或工作)[见circulation] get back into harness (病后)重新工作[见harness] get back to the grindstone [口语](不情愿地)重新工作[见grindstone] get behind hand 拖延;拖欠;耽搁 get beyond a joke [口语]超出开玩笑的限度,十分严肃的事 get beyond caring [口语]不再操心;不再关心 get beyond endurance [主英国英语]忍无可忍 get clear of 离开;避开;摆脱;还清(债务等) get clipped 受骗上当;被敲竹杠 get down on someone [美国口语]对某人产生不满(或敌意、怨恨等);申斥某人 get down to a fine art 见 art get even with somebody (由于恶意而)冤枉某人;[俚语]报复 get hitched [俚语]结婚 get his (或 hers, mine, theirs) 受罚;强行索取(自认为应得的东西) get hold of 见 hold get in by the back door 走后门 get in on the ground floor (对与自己有利的事)一开始就参加 get in one's blood 很受某人所喜欢;成为某人生活的一部分 get in touch with (oneself) 自省;自我内部感情的了解 get it across [口语]使为观众所欣赏;使…被人理解 get it all together [美国俚语](保持)沉着冷静;胸有成竹;对人生抱积极的态度 (受惊吓等后)恢复镇定 (女子)身材匀称 get it in for someone 对…生气;想对…进行报复 get it in the neck 被恋人(或朋友)抛弃;被解雇 get it off [美国俚语] 射精达到性欲高潮 性交 手淫 get it on [俚语] 变得有精神;处于激动兴奋状态 做爱,与…性交 勃起,性欲亢奋 玩个痛快 get it out [口语]消除紧张情绪;轻轻松松 get it together [美国俚语]圆满地处理(或组织)某事;振作;集中精力;调和精神,调和身心状态[亦称get your act together] get it up [美国俚语]勃起 get next to [美国英语] 接近,亲昵;讨好(有权势的人) 了解(或知道)某事 擅用;随手拿走 get next to oneself [美国俚语]恍然大悟;意识到(受骗等) get nowhere [口语](使)无结果;(使)无效;(使)一事无成 get off it [口语]别吹牛了;算了吧;别糊弄人了[亦作 come off it] “增强意识自我实现训练”的良好结果 get off (on) (doing) something [美国口语] 因服用毒品而兴奋;被毒品麻醉 因(做)某事而兴奋;乐于做某事 get off one's back 不再扰乱某人;不再批评某人 get off one's case [美国俚语]让人独自呆着;不要打扰某人 get off on the wrong foot 开头不顺利 get off scot free (或 scot-free) 安然逃脱;逍遥法外;未受损害 get off the dime 积极采取行动;不再拖延 get off the ground 使…开始;(使得)开始有进展 get off the hook 使某人摆脱困境;使某人免遭失败[见 hook] get off the mark 开始,出发[见 mark] get off with (someone) [口语] (未经介绍)与(异性)亲热起来;打得火热 使与(异性)交上朋友 get off with something 没遭受比…更大的不幸(更严厉的处罚) Get off with you! 去你的!滚开! get one's [美国口语]得到应有的惩罚 [美国口语]发财;得到应有的报酬 [英国俚语]被杀死 get one's back up 见 back get one's comeuppance 遭到应有的报应;受到应有的处罚 get oneself together [口语]控制住自己的感情 get one's gage up 喝醉酒 盛怒之下打人,摔东西;激怒;发怒 get one's goat 激怒某人;嘲弄某人;挫伤某人 get one's own back on someone [主英国口语]以牙还牙,报复 get on the stick 积极行动起来,开始精神饱满地工作 [俚语]控制局面 get on with it 抓紧干;提高效率 Get on with you! 去你的吧!(表示不信和怀疑) get out from under 还清债务;卷土重来 Get out of it! [俚语]别胡扯了!别吹了! get out while the going's good [口语]趁有利时机溜走;趁机溜掉 get (someone) at it [口语]取笑(某人),拿(某人) 开玩笑 get someone going 见go get someone in 乘某人在家时找到他 get someone off the hook [美国俚语]将某人搭救出来 get screwed 受到不公正待遇;吃亏,上当 get someone where one wants him 迫使某人赞同自己的意见 get something down cold (或pat) [美国俚语]知道(或了解)得一清二楚 get something on someone [口语]抓住某人的把柄 get somewhere [口语](使)有一些进展;(使)有一些成果 get the bit between one's teeth [口语](工作中、意见上等)执著,一心一意 get there [口语] (使)到达那里 (使)达到目的;(使)成功 明白其用意 get the worst of it (在比赛、竞争中)遭到惨败 get up and dig (或 dust) [美国英语]惊慌离开,匆匆离去 get up and get (或 go) [美国英语] 尽快;赶快走 雄心;进取精神[亦作 get-up-and-get,get-up-and-go] get up early(in the morning) 早起 [口语]精明,机警,清醒 get what's coming(to one) 自作自受 get well in with someone [口语]同某人相处很好 get wise 见 wise get with it 使自己适应 警觉,留神 [俚语]赶上时髦,赶潮流,顺应新潮流,不落伍 get yours 受到惩罚;自作自受 got up to kill 穿得花哨(或时髦、讲究) have got it bad(或 badly) [俚语]得了相思病 have got to [口语]不得不,必须 tell someone where to get off [口语]使某人碰一鼻子灰;严厉斥责某人 you (或 we) get [口语]有,存在 变形: vt. got . gat;got . gotten . getting |
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