

单词 groomzillas


The appropriate mate for [bridezilla], groomzilla is a combination of [groom] and [godzilla], and describes an unreasonably demanding [groom]. Groomzillas rarely express themselves over the small details of the [wedding] ceremony and reception, preferring instead to force [family] members into uncomfortable situations or make vague general statements his [bride] must extrapolate from.
Groomzilla's attacks are often seen by his [bride] to be personal attacks on her, her ability to get along with her future [in-laws], and her ability to plan a [wedding].
This term is most often seen on [wedding]-related [media], especially [chat boards].
> [OMG], I can't believe my groomzilla wants me to spend six whole hours talking to his [mother]!
> Groomzilla was last seen terrorizing [Tokyo] and demanding unreasonably-priced things for his small-budget [wedding].




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