Andarax, R.
Andarax, R.
[地名] 安达拉克斯河 ( 西 )
clearing away heat and promoting diuresis
clearing away heat and promoting salivation
clearing away heat and toxic material
clearing away heat evil and promoting diuresis
clearing away heat-evil and promoting diuresis
clearing away heat to and alleviating pain
clearing away heat to stop bleeding
clearing away heat to stop diarrhea
clearing away summerheat
clearing away summer-heat and eliminating dampness
clearing away summer-heat and heat-evil
clearing away summer-heat and heat evil
clearing away the damp-heat from the lower-jiao
clearing away the heart fire
clearing away the heart-fire
clearing away the heart fire and tranquillizing
clearing away the heat-evil and expelling superficial evils
clearing away the heat located at Shaoyang Channel
clearing away the liver-fire
clearing away the lung-heat
clearing away the lungheat and moisturizing
clearing away the stomach-heat
clearing balance
clearing bank
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更新时间:2025/3/15 15:14:57