anode dectection
anode dectection
[电] 阳极检波
Creation of aortofemoral shunt
Creation of aortofemoral vascular bypass
Creation of aortoiliac shunt
Creation of aortomesenteric shunt
Creation of aortorenal shunt
Creation of aortorenal vascular bypass
Creation of aortosubclavian shunt
creation of a parent plant
Creation of arterial bypass with synthetic graft
Creation of arterial bypass with vein graft
Creation of arterial vascular bypass
Creation of atrial septal defect
creation of bank deposit
creation of bank deposits
Creation of carotid-carotid shunt
Creation of carotid carotid shunt
Creation of carotid subclavian shunt
Creation of carotid-subclavian shunt
Creation of carotid vertebral artery shunt
Creation of carotid-vertebral artery shunt
Creation of conduit between left ventricle and aorta
Creation of cutaneoperitoneal fistula
Creation of esophagogastric sphincteric competence
Creation of external internal carotid bypass
Creation of external-internal carotid bypass
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更新时间:2025/3/14 17:32:29