

单词 index return character (IRT)

index return character (IRT)

A word processing multifunction control used as a formatting control and a device control. As a formatting control, it produces the same effect as a required carrier return in printed or displayed text. As a device control, it delimits a line without ending recording on the current magnetic card track when recording multiple lines on the same track.; 一种字(词)处理多功能控制字符,用作格式控制和设备控制。当作为格式控制符使用时, 它产生与在打印或显示正文中请求回车相同的作用。当作为设备控制符在同一磁道上记录 多行时,它用于定界一行,但不结束在当前磁卡片磁道上进行的记录。




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