[入口词] Leukocytopheresis
[主题词] Leukapheresis
[英文释义] The preparation of leukocyte concentrates with the return of red cells and leukocyte-poor plasma to the donor.
Excision of middle ear structure
excision of mixed tumor
excision of mixed tumor of palate
Excision of Morton neuroma of peripheral nerve
Excision of Morton's neuroma of peripheral nerve
excision of mucous membrane in the oral cavity
Excision of mullerian duct
Excision of multiple anal papillae
Excision of muscle
Excision of muscle for graft
Excision of muscle of hand
Excision of muscle of hand for graft
Excision of myoma of cervix
Excision of myositis ossificans
Excision of myositis ossificans of hand
Excision of nail
Excision of nasolabial cyst
Excision of nasolacrimal duct
Excision of nasopalatine cyst
Excision of nasopalatine cyst by wide excision
Excision of necrotic bone fragments
Excision of nerve
Excision of neurofibroma of cutaneous nerve
Excision of neurofibroma of major peripheral nerve
Excision of neurolemmoma of cutaneous nerve
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