

单词 locking lock

locking lock

1. An association between a job and a resource.; 作业和资源之间的一种联结。 2. InVAX COBOL, the facilities that allow concurrent use of a database or a sequential, relative, or indexed file without corrupting their records. | VAX COBOL中允许并行使用数据库或顺序的、相对的、索引的文件,而不破坏它们的记录的种 种设施。 3. The VAX DBMS facilities that allow concurrent use of a database without allowing two users to modify the same record at the same time.VAX DBMS maintains locks on individual records, entire realms, or both. | VAX DBMS软件的功能,允许并行使用数据库,而不允许二个用户同时修改同一记录。VAX DBMS在每个记录上,或在整 个区域,或同时在这两者上都有锁定机制。




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