1. In DPPX, a number associated with each logical block in a data set. The LBNs are assigned in sequential ascending order, starting with 1.; 在分布式处理程序设计执行程序(DPPX)中,与数据集中各个逻辑块对应的一种编号。逻辑块号是按从1开始的上升次 序顺序编号的。 2. In VAX/VMS, a volume-relative address of ablock on a mass storage device. The blocks that form the volume are labeled sequentially starting with logical block 0. | 在操作系统VAX/VMS中,海量存储设备上一个块的一种卷相对地址。形成卷的这些块是以顺序 方式标记的,并且从0开始。