

单词 meat gazers

meat gazers

1. A security guard hired to protect cattle from rustlers.
2. A man who enjoys observing another man's [penis] without permission, usually in public washrooms and showers.
3. A derogatory term for a [homosexual] man.
4. A person who has a [fetish] for excessively large vaginal lips and/or a protruding [clitoris]. (see [flower] or [labia])
> 1. "Bob. Wake up. It looks like the ol' piss-tank meat gazer finally passed out. I'm going in to hiest that heffer behind him. Watch my back."
> 2. "I seen you checking out my [crotch], you meat gazer!"
> 3. "Hey Jim, be careful. I'm pretty sure the bus driver is a meat gazer cuz he smiled at me."
> 4. "I seen you checking out my [pee flaps], you meat gazer!"




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