

单词 Miosis,Innervational Defect

Miosis,Innervational Defect

《英文msh词典》Miosis,Innervational Defect
[同义词] Miosis,Innervational Defect
[主题词] Horner Syndrome
[中文释义] 瞳孔缩小,神经缺损
[英文释义] A syndrome associated with defective sympathetic innervation to one side of the face,including the eye. Clinical features include MIOSIS; mild BLEPHAROPTOSIS; and hemifacial ANHIDROSIS (decreased sweating)(see HYPOHIDROSIS). Lesions of the BRAIN STEM; cervical SPINAL CORD; first thoracic nerve root; apex of the LUNG; CAROTID ARTERY; CAVERNOUS SINUS; and apex of the ORBIT may cause this condition. (From Miller et al.,Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology,4th ed,pp500-11)




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