

单词 modem tester

modem tester

A small portable selfcontained device that simulates data communications control functions, evaluates system performance, and isolates equipment failures.It is intended for testing of either asynchronous or synchronous modems in simplex, halfduplex, or fullduplex mode. It determines the overall condition of a data channel consisting of a telephone line with a modem at each end.This type of tester transmits a 511bit pseudorandom test pattern and measures the biterror rate of the received signal.; 一个小型携带式的独立装置,可以模拟数据通信控制功能、估价系统性能以及查找设备 故障。其目的在于检测单工、半双工或双工通信方式下的异步或同步调制解调器。它用 来测定由电话线及其两端的调制解调器组成的数据信道的全部情况。这种检测器 发送一个511位的伪随机测试编码并测量接收信号的误码率。




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