mutually disjoint family
mutually disjoint family
Embolectomy of abdominal artery
Embolectomy of abdominal vein
Embolectomy of aorta
Embolectomy of aortic arch
Embolectomy of ascending aorta
Embolectomy of bovine graft
Embolectomy of descending aorta
Embolectomy of femoral artery
embolectomy of great saphenous vein
Embolectomy of head and neck artery
Embolectomy of lower limb artery
Embolectomy of lower limb vein
Embolectomy of thoracic artery
Embolectomy of upper limb artery
embolectomy thrombectomy catheter
embolectomy-thrombectomy catheter
Embolectomy with catheter of aortoiliac artery by abdominal incision
Embolectomy with catheter of axillary artery by arm incision
Embolectomy with catheter of brachial artery by arm incision
Embolectomy with catheter of carotid artery by neck incision
Embolectomy with catheter of celiac artery by abdominal incision
Embolectomy with catheter of femoropopliteal artery by leg incision
Embolectomy with catheter of innominate artery by arm incision
Embolectomy with catheter of innominate artery by neck incision
Embolectomy with catheter of innominate artery by thoracic incision
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更新时间:2025/3/19 20:56:11