

单词 netcops


The pinnacle of patheticness. These people take it on themselves and believe it is their obligation to preserve the "morality" of the internet by (and not limited to):
- telling others what is right and wrong in the form of a [flame].
- emailing board mods to take action aganist the member of a board because they did something they didn't like (i.e. getting [owned] in an arguement)
- emailing ISP abuse emails to rat on a person because they don't like what they are posting or saying.
They have the deluded thought that by doing this that they will leave their mark on the Internet and have users singing their praises. However, the real world doesn't work that way, they get [flamed] by everyone, and because things don't work out the way they expect, their mind can't handle it and they begin the downward spiral into becoming a [kook].
> Netcops are pathetic SOBs that haven't gotten past the egocentric and tattle-tale stage of development. Bellvue always needs new customers...give 'em your worst!




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