单词 | noselike |
释义 | noselike[nəuz] noselike adj. nose的变形 nose [nəuz] n. 鼻子;含鼻在内的呼吸器官 (动物的)鼻口部 嗅觉 觉察力,感知力 (干草、茶、烟、酒等的)气味,香味 (对与己无关的事情的)探问,探看;干预 [俚语]暗探,告密者 鼻状物,前端突出物,突出部分 船头 (飞机)机首 (高尔夫球棒的)棒头 (马)鼻的长度 vt. 嗅,闻;品嗅(酒等);嗅出,闻出: His dog nosed me,then let me go in. 他的狗闻了闻我,然后放我进去了。 to nose something bad 闻出了异味 探出,侦察出: He has nosed the secrets of that “Club”. 他已侦察出那家“俱乐部”的秘密。 用鼻子凑近;用鼻子碰(或擦、拱): The pig nosed the trough down. 猪把食槽拱翻了。 用前端推动,(用鼻子似的)把…推向前: He was nosed in the police car. 他被推进了警车。 使…的前端朝着特定方向: to nose the plane directly into the sky 让飞机直冲天空 (小心)驾驶;引领: He nosed his car across the spring. 他小心翼翼地开车穿过了小溪。 【体育】勉强战胜,以微弱优势胜过 vi. 闻,嗅 (与 at 连用): to nose at the wine before drinking 先闻了闻后才喝酒 (小心)驾驶,行驶: to nose through the masses 小心翼翼地从人群中穿过 [口语]探向,探看;寻找: You'd better stop him nosing about. 你应该制止他到处打探的作法。 [俚语]告密,当密探: nosed about for information 刺探情报 短语: a nose of wax 易塑捏的东西 耳朵软的人,没有主见的人 a nose to light candles at [口语]红鼻头,酒糟鼻 (as) plain as the nose in (或 on) your face 一目了然的,显而易见的 bark one's nose [口语]擦破鼻子 before one's nose 笔直朝前,正前方 be no skin off someone's nose 见 skin bite someone's nose off 怒气冲冲地打断某人的话;疾言厉色地回答某人 bloody someone's nose 挫伤某人,伤害某人的自尊心 by a nose (赛马中)以一鼻之差 2.以微小差异 cannot see beyond (或 further than) (the end of 或 the length of) one's nose 目光短浅;没有先见之明 catch someone on the nose 击中某人的鼻子 cock one's nose (表示冷淡或轻蔑)傲慢地翘起鼻子 count (或 tell) noses 清点人数;数投票数 cut off one's nose to spite one's face 因一时生气做出害自己之事,因赌气为自己招来祸事 follow one's nose 一直向前走 凭本能(或直觉)行事,由本能指引 盲目行事 fuddle one's nose 烂醉如泥 get a bloody nose 受到打击;受屈辱 get it up one's nose 发怒,恼怒 入迷,迷恋 get one's nose down (to) 专心致志(于) get one's nose in (或 into) 打探,探听 插手,干预 get one's nose (stuck) in a book [口语]埋头看书 get up someone's nose [口语]惹恼某人,招某人发怒 have a good (或 bad) nose (尤指侦探或猎犬)嗅觉(不)敏锐;鼻子(不)灵 have a nose for 对…敏感,很善于发现 have one's nose in a book =get one's nose in a book have one's (或 someone's) nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干 have one's (或 someone's) nose open (使某人)春心荡漾 have (或 put) someone's nose out of joint 挤掉(或取代)某人,使某人失宠 打乱(或破坏)某人的计划,使某人失望 hold one's nose 捂住鼻子,捏住鼻子 hold one's nose in the air 目中无人;傲慢无礼 hold one's nose to it 撑下去,坚持下去 hold (或 keep) one's (或 someone's) nose to the grindstone =have one's (或 someone's) nose to the grindstone (in) spite of someone's nose 不顾某人的反对 keep one's nose above water 勉强渡过难关 keep one's nose clean [美国俚语]安分守己,不捣乱;洁身自好 keep one's nose out (of) [口语]不打听,不探问;不干预 lead someone (around) by the nose 牵着某人鼻子走,使某人完全听命于自己,完全控制住某人 look down one's nose (at) [口语]小看,不把(…)放在眼里 make a long nose at 对…嗤之以鼻 [口语]拒不听从,无视 nose to nose 面对面,相对 nose under the tent 得寸进尺 on the nose [美国英语]准确(的);正好(的);正对的 [美国英语]【赛马】稳跑第一,可靠(的) [澳大利亚英语]刺鼻的,气味浓烈的;讨厌的 pay through the nose [口语] 花大价钱,付出惊人巨款 付出高昂代价 poke (或 push) one's nose in (或 into) [口语]打听,探问;干预 powder one's nose [口语、委婉语](尤指女性)去洗手间,上厕所 pull someone's nose 捏拉某人的鼻子(以示侮辱) put one's nose in 出现,露面,到场 put one's (或 someone's) nose to the grindstone =keep one's (或 someone's) nose to the grindstone put someone's nose out of joint =have someone's nose out of joint (right) under the (very) nose of 就当着…的面,就在…的面前 rub (或 push) someone's nose in it (或 the dirt) [口语] 揭某人的短处,不停地提起某人过去的过失(或错误) 刮某人的鼻子,使某人痛感不愉快 run at the nose 流鼻涕 saddle one's nose 戴眼镜 see no further than (the end of) one's nose =cannot see beyond (或 further than) (the end of) one's nose snap someone's nose off =bite someone's nose off speak through one's nose 鼻音浓重地说 stick one's nose in the air =hold one's nose in the air stick one's nose in (或 into) =poke one's nose in (或 into) thumb one's (或 a) nose (at) (向…) 作蔑视(或侮辱)的手势;(对…)嗤之以鼻 [口语]无视,拒不听从;不喜欢,厌恶 turn up one's nose (at) =Look down one's nose (at) under someone's (very) nose [口语]就在某人面前,就在某人眼皮底下;当着某人的面 with a nose for 对…十分敏感的(地);善于发现…的(地) with one's nose (buried) in a book 埋头于书本 with one's nose in the air 目中无人的(地),目空一切的(地) 变形: vt. nosed . nosing |
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