

单词 operation (OP)

operation (OP)

1.A welldefined action that, when applied to any permissible combination of known entities, produces a new entity.; 一种完全确定的动作,当将其施加于一些已知实体的任一种允许的组合时,就产生一个新的实体。 2.A defined action, namely, the act of obtaining a result from one or more operands in accordance with a rule that completely specifies the result for any permissible combination of operands. | 一种经过定义的动作,即根据给任何允许的操作数组合规定完整结果的规则,从一个或多个操作数 中获得结果的动作。 3.A program step undertaken or executed by a computer, for example, addition, multiplication, extraction, comparison, shift, transfer. The operation is usually specified by the operator part of an instruction. | 一种由计算机所接受或执行的程序步,例如加、乘、开方、 比较、移位、传送等操作。这些 操作通常是由指令的操作码所规定的。 4.The event or specific action performed by alogic element. | 由逻辑部件所实现的事件或指定的动作。 5.参阅arithmetic operation, asynchronous operation, auxiliary operation, binary operation, Boolean operation, complementary operation, computer operation, concurrent operation, control operation, dual operation, dyadic Boolean operation, dyadic operation, fixedcycle operation, identity operation, logic operation, majority operation, monadic operation, multiplex operation, nadic Boolean operation, nadic operation, nonidentity operation, parallel operation, sequential operation, serial operation, simultaneous operation, singlestep operation, threshold operation。




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