

单词 operator control language (OCL)

operator control language (OCL)

A set of commands and rules that enable a computer operator to instruct an operating system to perform, change, or terminate a processing operation. In some systems, the term “job control language” is applied to all commands and rules for controlling execution, whether input by punched cards/paper tape or via the console. In other systems, they are considered as separate languages and toge ther they comprise the system control language.; 使计算机操作员指示操作系统执行、修改或终止处理操作的一组命令和规则。在某些系统中, 所有的控制命令和规则,无论是用穿孔卡片或纸带还是由控制台输入的,都称为“任务控制语言”。 在另外一些系统中,这些由不同方式输入的命令和规则被认为是不同的语言,它们合起来构成系统控 制语言。




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