单词 | passest |
释义 | passest[pɑ:s; pæs] n. 关口;要隘;山口;狭路,小路;入口通路 河口;水口;渡口;蹚水过渡处;(鱼越过鱼梁的)通路 (尤指在逆境中保持的)坚定立场 道次(轧制次数) 孔型 一种消炎、镇痛药 pass2 [pɑ:s; pæs] vt. 走过;通过;穿过,越过: I pass the post office on my way to school. 在我去学校的路上总要路过邮局。 The car passed the dangerous section in the mountain successfully. 汽车顺利地通过了山区那危险地段。 超过,超越,赶过;(和人)擦肩而过: to pass others in a race 比赛时超过其他对手 Mr.John passed me with a nod. 约翰先生点个头和我擦肩而过。 经历,经受;度过、消磨(时间等): He passed one night in Rome. 他在罗马过了一夜。 How will you pass your time after you are retired? 退休后你怎么消磨时光? 未注意;忽略;忽视: to pass one's bus stop (不知不觉地) 走过自己要搭乘的公共汽车站 He made a mistake, but I let it pass. 他犯了一个错误,但我未予追究。 通过(考试、检查、考验等): Surely you could pass any examination. 你确实能通过每门考试。 Of the forty applicants, only five passed. 40名应试者中只有5名合格。 许可,认可,得到…的批准;批准(议案等): The bill was passed after long debates. 那项法案在长时间的辩论后被批准了。 使通过;使列队经过: pass one's eyes over a list of names. 用目光扫视一张名单 The officials passed me through customs. 官员们让我通过了海关。 传递,传送;转移: He passed Brown the bread. 他把面包递给布朗。 The documents were passed from one official to another. 文件从一个官员之手传到另一官员之手。 转让(财产等的)所有权: pass the title to a house 转让房屋的所有权 使…流通;传播;发出: pass rumours 散布谣言 This coin will not pass. 这钱币不通用。 He was imprisoned for passing forged banknotes. 他因使用伪币被监禁。 穿过,穿透:用(绳)拴使(手等在…上)移动: He passed his fingers through his hair. 他用手指梳自己的头发。 pass a rope around a stake 用绳子把桩围拴起来 述说;提出(意见、批评等): Don't pass a comment on things you know nothing about. 自己不知道的事不要妄加评论。 超 出(权力、限度等);凌驾: His performance passed all expectations. 他的演技超出预料之外。 It passed my understanding how he could answer it. 我无法理解他为何能答得出来。 宣布(判决等);发表评论: The judge has passed a sentence on the prisoner. 法官已对犯人做出判决。 排泄;通(大、小便);分泌: He passed blood in his urine again yesterday. 昨天他尿中又带血了。 传球(给己方队员);[美国英语] 【棒球】使上垒; 【网球】击球以使对方够不着而得分: The ball was passed to the center-forward. 球传给了中锋。 立誓,发誓;保证: He had passed his word that he would go the next day. 他发誓明天一定去。 [美国英语]不支付(红利、股息等) 用手法骗人;(通过手法或花招)操纵(牌等) 【击剑】刺向 vi. 通过;穿过;经过;超过: He opened a door and stood aside for Mary to pass. 他打开门,站在一边让玛丽走过去。 The new freeway will pass over the lake. 新的高速公路将越过湖面。 延伸;通向: a road passing around the hill. 环绕山丘的路 传递;传达: The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it. 信从一个人手中传到另一个人手里,直到大家都看过了。 变化;转化;(财产等的所有权)转移;转让 When water boils it passes into steam. 水沸腾时变成蒸气。 Property passed from father to son. 父亲把财产传给儿子。 (问候等)交流;来往: I never heard a kindly word pass between them. 我从没听到他们之间细声细气地交谈过。 终止;消失(常与 away 连用): The pain has passed,thank you. 谢谢你,疼痛已经消失了。 His illness will soon pass away. 他的病很快就会痊愈。 离开;离去: The fever passed. 热度退了。 The crisis soon passed. 危机很快就过去了。 死亡,去世(常与 away,on 或 out 连用): This old man passed away peacefully this morning. 这位老人今天早晨安详地去世了。 越过;经过: It had passed through various stages of development. 经过了几个不同的发展阶段。 (时间)过去;消逝: The days passed quickly. 日子过得真快。 Six months passed and still we had no news of them. 六个月过去了,而我们还没有关于他们的消息。 穿过;进入: Then the steam passes into the turbine. 然后蒸气进入汽轮机。 Now,we are passing under the new London Bridge. 我们现在在伦敦新桥下经过。 (货币等)流通;通用;流传;被传递: He passes under the name of “Tiger”. 他的别名为“老虎”。 The news passed round the city. 消息传遍全城。 (在考试、试验中)及格;合格: It will pass. 合格;可以。 He passed in German, but failed in English. 他德语过关了,可英语不及格。 被接受;被承认;被批准;被认可: Did the bill pass in the House? 议院批准了这项法案了吗? Mr.Davis moved to another city where he passed by the name of Mr.Smith. 戴维斯先生搬到另一座城市,以史密斯的名字为人所知。 发生;实行: Did you see what was passing? 你有没有看见发生的是什么事情? 审判;判决;判定;宣判(与 on 和 upon 连用): The judgment passed against us. 判决宣告我们败诉。 不被注意地通过;被忽略,不加追究: Let their rude remarks pass. 别去理会他们那些粗野的话。 (肠里的东西)排泄出来 (桥牌游戏)不叫牌;放弃叫牌: I pass. 我不要,我弃权。 传球;递球 (击剑中)刺 (黑人后裔)自称或冒充白人: This enables some of these light Blacks to pass as whites. 这使那些肤色浅淡的黑人可以充作白人。 [俚语]饮酒过量;醉倒 n. 穿过;经过;通过;飞过 及格(尤指勉强及格);及格分数;及格证书 情况;状况;境遇;形势;危机 执照;通行证;护照;出入证;(免费)入场券,(免费)乘车券;(公共汽车、火车)月票;准假证;外出许可证[liberty pass 的简称] 传递;传达;传播;交给;批准 通道;轰炸航路(尤指空中进入或必须再次通入的航路) 变戏法;(变魔术或作催眠术时)手的动作;(在物件上或沿着物件所作的)手的移动;敲打时手的动作 通过敌人(飞机或高射炮的)有效射界;(飞机或飞行物等的)飞过;(向目标的)俯冲 (机器的)一次操作;一次完整的工作循环 试图;尝试 实现;完成;发生 欺骗;勾引手段 传球;传出的球;【网球、羽毛球等】超身球;[美国英语]【棒球】四坏球保送上垒 传球动作 【击剑】戳刺;刺滑;滑剑 【桥牌】放弃叫牌;【牌戏】放弃补牌 [俚语]过分举动;(尤指性挑逗行为中的)拥抱;抚爱;接吻举动;调情;勾引 [古语]俏皮语;妙语 [口语]向人攀谈 短语: a pretty (或 fine,nice) pass [口语]困境;不幸(或危急)的局面 bring to pass 使发生;使实现;造成,引起;完成;平行 come to a handsome (或 pretty) pass 变得很尴尬;陷入很困难的处境 come to pass 发生;产生;实现 free pass (如乘车、看戏等的) 免费票 get a pass 及格 give someone a pass 高抬贵手 hold (或 keep) the pass 捍卫某事业(或主义、运动) 为自己的事业(或主义、运动)辩护 把守关隘 let it (或 that) pass [口语]不去追究它,且不去管它 make a pass at [俚语]对(女子)作非礼举动;向(女人)献殷勤,向(女人)作过分亲昵的表示;同已婚(或已订婚)的女人调情 袭击;冲向;做出举动 make passes 施催眠术 pass a dividend [美国英语]决定不付红利 pass a comment 做出评论;发表意见 pass all understanding 使人难以理解,出人意外 pass an opinion on 对…发表意见(看法) pass a remark 开口,说话;发表议论;做出批评 pass as a watch in the night 立刻被忘掉 pass a wet sponge over something 忘记;删去 pass belief 使人不能相信 pass between 两人间交换(暗号、言语、手势等) pass beyond 超过 pass by on the other side 不帮助;不同情 pass by the board (计划等)落空;失败;失去 pass current (纸币等)有流通价值 传播;流传 pass degree [主美国英语](美大学)毕业 pass fish eyes for pearls 鱼目混珠 pass from among us (丢下我们)死掉 pass from mouth to mouth 口头传播 pass hence (人)死 pass in one's checks. [俚]死 pass in review 检阅,阅兵;使(军队)分列前进 (顺次)回想 pass into oblivion 被忘却;湮没无闻 pass into silence 被遗忘;湮没无闻 pass it [美国英语]搁着不管;不放在心上 pass judgment (与 on, upon 连用) 下判决;定案 pass muster 见 muster pass off as (for) 冒充成;诈称为;把…假装成…: He passed himself off as a wealthy man. 他把自己装成一个有钱的人。 pass one's eyes over 匆匆地看,浏览 pass one's lips 被某人吃掉、灌醉 被某人说出口 pass one's word 发誓;担保(to do;that;for) pass out (one's) check [俚语]死亡,去世 pass over in silence 对…不闻不问;置之不理 pass (round) the hat 募捐;凑钱 pass someone's comprehension 令某人不理解 pass someone (或something) off as (for) … 把某物(或某人)充作 pass sentence (或judgment) 下判决(判断) pass shame,past amendment 不知道羞耻,何谈改悔 pass the baby [口语]推诿 pass the bottle 递酒 pass the bottle of smoke 维持因袭的虚伪,虚应故事[源自 Dickens 作品] pass the buck [美国俚语]把责任推给别人 pass the sponge over 抹去(某事);同意忘掉(某事) pass the time 消磨(打发)时间 pass the time of day (with sb.) 向(某人)早晚请安,同(某人)寒暄 pass the word 传达命令(to do) pass through one's mind 浮现在脑中,想起 pass to (on to) 传递;告诉: He passed the news to his wife. 他把这消息告诉了妻子。 pass under the name of 用…的名字 pass under the yoke 在轭门下走过(罗马史中战俘俯首在用轭或三支枪架成的轭门下通过,象征屈服);服从;屈服;受束缚 pass upon the merits of … 评论…的是非 pass water 小便,撒尿 passed ball 失误球 sea pass = sea letter sell the pass 出卖主义(或事业、朋友);背叛;放弃立场 让出地位 take a pass 接球 变形: vt. passed . passed或 past . passing pass. abbr. passage passenger [拉丁语] passim (= here and there) passive |
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