单词 | peckest |
释义 | peckest[pek] vt. 啄,啄起;啄食: The hens were pecking the grain. 母鸡正在啄食。 The bird pecked insects from the log. 小鸟从木头中啄食虫子。 啄穿;啄成,啄掘: The chicken pecked a hole in the sack. 小鸡在布袋上啄了一个洞。 (用尖头工具)凿、啄;挖出,掘出: The stone was pecked and ground into square flags. 石头被凿开并磨成方石板。 [口语]轻轻地吻: He pecked her on the cheek. 他轻轻地吻了一下她的面颊。 (像鸡啄米一样)一点一点地吃;(因食欲不佳)勉强小口地吃: She seemed to have a poor appetite and just pecked her food. 她看起来食欲不振,只是勉强吃了点东西。 vi. 啄;啄穿;凿: The bird pecked at the bread crumbs. 小鸟啄食面包屑。 一点一点地吃,勉强吃: You seem upset,are you going to peck with us? 你看来心情不佳,和我们一起吃饭吗? 找茬儿,挑毛病: My wife keeps pecking at me. 我老婆不断地挑我的毛病。 连续敲击: Don't peck on the window. 不要老敲打窗子。 n. 啄;凿;琢 啄痕;啄(或琢)出的洞 [口语]匆匆忙忙的一吻,轻轻的一吻 [俚语]食物 [俚语]白种人 [俚语]扔石头,找茬儿 [美国俚语]短暂的进餐时间;匆忙地吃点东西 peck2 [pek] n. 配克(英美计量单位,等于1/4蒲式耳或8夸脱) 一配克的容器 许多,大量 短语: a peck of 许多,大量 a peck of salt eaten since 由来已久,过了好久的时间 a peck of trouble (或troubles) 许多麻烦,很多困难 eat a peck of salt with someone 深知某人 off one's peck 不想吃东西,没胃口 peck and boose (或 booze) 酒肉;饮食 peck and perch [俚语]膳宿,吃和住 peck and tipple 酒肉;饮食 peck over the perch [罕用语]从栖木上跌落下来;[比喻]垮台,败落;死 there has been many a peck of salt eaten since 年深日久,已经好多年了 peck3 [pek] vt. [主方言]投,掷,扔 vi. (马)颠踬: (马)颠踬: The horse pecked badly,but recovered and won by a head. 这匹马绊得很厉害,但恢复过来后以一头的优势获胜。 |
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