单词 | plantest |
释义 | plantest[plɑːnt] n. 植物;作物 幼苗;(移植用的)秧苗;营养繁殖苗;(压枝或压条长出的)籽苗 插枝;嫩枝,新枝 车间;工厂;发电厂;[总称]全厂工人 (医院、学校等的)全部设施 成套机械、装置 站;养殖场;农场 (一熟)作物;收获;(植物的)生长 智力工作的工具(书籍、实验室仪器等);方法 【数学】性能指标 [俚语]有计划的犯罪;(逮捕罪犯的)圈套 [俚语]欺诈,骗局;诬陷 [俚语]窝藏赃物的地方;歹徒巢窟;鸦片馆 [美国俚语]假装观众的演员;(在歹徒等中布置的)内线,卧底;间谍;警探 [俚语]秘密地方,密室 [俚语](戏剧的)伏线 vt. 播种(尤指土壤种植),种: We planted beans and peas in the field. 我们在田里种上了菜豆和豌豆。 栽培;栽种: Plant the flowers further apart. 把花栽得更疏些。 在…内种上植物;给…种上植物: Large acreages have been planted to oil crops. 大面积土地已种上油料作物。 安置,置放;插;使固定: He planted his feet firmly on the ground. 他在地上双脚站得很稳。 灌输;使(思想等)生根: A good teacher planted the love of learning in students. 好的老师培养学生好学的精神。 殖民;移民于(某一地点): to plant soldiers as colonists in the frontier districts 在边境地区驻军屯垦 移植(动物、植物);养(蚝等);放养(鱼): Zhoushan Islands is the underseas garden in which the oysters are planted, cultivated and harvested. 舟山群岛是放养、培育并收获牡蛎的海底养殖场。 布置(岗哨等);安插(间谍等): The police had planted a spy in the gang. 警方在那团伙中安插了一名坐探。 使位于: Shanghai plants at the mouth of Changjiang River. 上海位于长江口。 丢弃;丢下: She planted her child on us while she went shopping. 她出去购物时把孩子丢给了我们。 建立;设立(教会、城镇、殖民地等): They planted the first church in that part of the city. 他们在那座城市的那一部分创办了第一座教堂。 [俚语](对准目标)予以打击: to plant a hard blow on someone's chin 对准某人的下巴重重地一击 [俚语]安置(人或事物)行骗;发布(或散布)(新闻等)以影响舆论;用贵重矿物伪装(矿山)以诱骗买主;虚报: a carefully planted rumour 刻意散布的谣言 [俚语]栽赃;窝藏(赃物等): He claimed that the weapons had been planted on him. 他称道,那武器是别人给他栽的赃。 事先准备: He has carefully planted the surprise word. 他已经事先准备好惊人之语了。 vi. 种植: 种植: This is perfect weather for planting. 这种气候最适宜种植。 短语: in plant 在生长中,生叶 lose plant 枯死 miss (或fail in) plant 不发芽,长不出 plant oneself 站立不动,处于固定位置 找到职位安顿下来,安家落户 plant something on someone [俚语] 向某人栽赃 拿假货(卖)给人 |
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