auxiliary hole
auxiliary hole
excision of carotid body tumor
Excision of carpals and metacarpals for graft
Excision of cartilage of joint
excision of cataract
excision of cerebroma
Excision of cervical lymph nodes
excision of cervical polyp
excision of cervical stump
Excision of cervical stump by abdominal approach
Excision of cervical stump by vaginal approach
Excision of cervix by cryoconization
Excision of cervix by electroconization
excision of chemodectoma
Excision of chemodectoma of pineal gland
Excision of chest wall tumor including ribs
Excision of choledochal cyst
excision of chondroma
Excision of choroid plexus
Excision of cicatrix of skin
Excision of cilia base
Excision of clavicle for graft
Excision of common bile duct
Excision of condyle of bone
Excision of condyle of mandible
Excision of congenital septum of uterus
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更新时间:2025/3/18 10:46:33