Removal or bivalving of Minerva jacket
Removal or bivalving of Minerva jacket
《英汉医学词典》Removal or bivalving of Minerva jacket
Excision of bursa
Excision of bursa of hand
excision of calcified mass
Excision of canal of Nuck
Excision of carcinoma of urethra
Excision of cardioma
Excision of carotid body
Excision of carotid body lesion
excision of carotid body tumor
Excision of carpals and metacarpals for graft
Excision of cartilage of joint
excision of cataract
excision of cerebroma
Excision of cervical lymph nodes
excision of cervical polyp
excision of cervical stump
Excision of cervical stump by abdominal approach
Excision of cervical stump by vaginal approach
Excision of cervix by cryoconization
Excision of cervix by electroconization
excision of chemodectoma
Excision of chemodectoma of pineal gland
Excision of chest wall tumor including ribs
Excision of choledochal cyst
excision of chondroma
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