Repair of aorticopulmonary window
Repair of aorticopulmonary window
《英汉医学词典》Repair of aorticopulmonary window
time interval between cessation of contraception and conception
time interval between trains spaced by automatic block signals
time interval between two adjacent trains at station
time interval between two opposing trains arriving at station not at the same time
time interval comparator
time interval counter
time-interval counter
time interval difference
time interval difference inaging
time interval difference mode
time interval discriminator
time interval etween successive photographs
time interval for two meeting trains at station
time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction
time interval histogram
time-interval indicator
time interval indicator
time interval measurement
time-interval measurement
time interval measurement by means of phase measurement
time interval measurement by measuring the distance of fall of a falling
time interval measurement using electric oscillators
time interval measuring instrument
time interval meter
time interval method
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