

单词 routine extremity

routine extremity

A routine that is used when initiating a new tape or when reaching the endof reel of a multireel file. This routine need not be included in memory if all tapes are setup or initiated automatically by the system supervisor and the open or close macros are not used. The importance of this routine is that it performs necessary tape housekeeping, checks on the operator, and provides necessary information concerning the program being run.; 当初始化一盘新带,或一个多卷文件到达卷尾时使用的例行程序。如果所有磁带都已准备好,或已由系统管理程序自动进行了磁带的初 始化,不用打开宏指令或关闭宏指令时,则无需将该例行程序装入内存。这一例行程序的重 要性在于它进行必要的磁带内务处理,对操作员的工作进行检查,并提供有关程序运行的必 要信息。




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