Rubust Privet Leaf
Rubust Privet Leaf
《英汉药名关联词典》Rubust Privet Leaf
[中文名] 粗壮女贞苦丁茶
[拼音] Cuzhuangnuzhenkudingcha
[拉丁名] Folium Ligustri Robusti
[英文名] Rubust Privet Leaf
[所属科名] 木犀科
[入药部位] 叶
Open fracture of condyle of humerus
Open fracture of coracoid process of scapula
Open fracture of coronoid process of mandible
Open fracture of coronoid process of ulna
Open fracture of cuboid bone of foot
Open fracture of cuneiform bone of foot
Open fracture of cuneiform bone of wrist
Open fracture of distal end of femur
Open fracture of distal end of forearm
Open fracture of distal end of humerus
Open fracture of distal end of radius
Open fracture of distal end of ulna
Open fracture of distal phalanx of finger
Open fracture of eight or more ribs
Open fracture of elbow
Open fracture of epiphysis of femur
Open fracture of external condyle of humerus
Open fracture of femoral condyle of femur
Open fracture of femur
Open fracture of fifth metatarsal bone
Open fracture of finger
Open fracture of first metacarpal
Open fracture of first metatarsal bone
Open fracture of five ribs
Open fracture of foot
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更新时间:2025/3/18 21:58:35