

单词 screen design aid (SDA)

screen design aid (SDA)

1. The utility of the Interactive Data Base Utilities licensed program that is used to interactively design, create, and maintain display record formats and menus.; 一种特许的交互式数据库公用程序,主要用于交互式设计、建立和维护显示记录格式及选 项单[菜单]。 2. In System/36, the part of the Utilities Program Product that helps the user design,create, and maintain displays and menus. SDA can also generate specifications for RPG and work station utility programs. | 在IBM System/36中 ,公用程序产品的一部分,用于帮助用户设计、建立和维护显示格式 及选项单[菜单]。屏幕设计辅助程序(SDA)也能产生报表生成程序(RPG)和工作站应用 程序技术规范所要求的显示格式和选项单。




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