1. A word you can use in a sentence when you don't know what else to say.
2. A word used by dancers A LOT, along with "worrrk" and "in it to win it"
> Dancer 1: What do we have after adv. Ballet?
> Dancer 2: Adv. Scunna
drainage of coal mines
drainage of coal pits
Drainage of cranial sinus by aspiration
Drainage of cranial sinus by trephination
Drainage of cul-de-sac by aspiration
Drainage of cul de sac by aspiration
Drainage of cyst of dentoalveolar structures
Drainage of cyst of pancreas
Drainage of deep periurethral abscess
Drainage of external auditory canal abscess
Drainage of external ear
Drainage of facial region
Drainage of fascial compartments of head
Drainage of fascial compartments of neck
Drainage of female pelvic peritoneum by incision
Drainage of fetal hydrocephalic head
drainage of foundation pit
drainage offset
Drainage of hematoma of dentoalveolar structures
Drainage of hematoma of nasal septum
Drainage of hematoma of nose by internal approach
Drainage of infratemporal fossa
Drainage of inner ear
drainage of interintestinal abscess
Drainage of intracranial space by aspiration
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