

单词 snitch jacketing

snitch jacketing

snitchjacketing or badjacketing isn't an east coast term. it refers to someone calling someone an informant or a "snitch" to out them from a group. the FBI and other law enforcement groups use real informants to plant evidence on people that they may be a snitch to then create infighting or a witch-hunt. it also makes it difficult for those reffered to as snitches, who are in-fact snithes, to work within the movement they come from, because people are weary of such a rumor possibly being true.
when not used by cops/ security forces/ etc it's usually employed by someone as a low blow, because they can't come up with anything of any merit to accuse, denounce, or argue with someone about.
> Ex.Hey Duke, have you cashed your check from the FBI yet?
> ^ example of snitchjacketing.




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