单词 | stickest |
释义 | stickest[stik] n. 树枝,枝条;枯枝 (一根)木料 细长木条 木档,档条 杆,杖,棍,棒 指挥棒 [主英国英语]手杖 官杖;持官杖者 条状物;棒状物 (飞机、汽车等的)操纵杆,变速杆 (草本植物的)茎;梗 (家具的)件 [the stick] 责打,惩罚;威慑(物) [口语]呆头呆脑的人;家伙;古怪的 [口语]加在饮料(尤指咖啡)中的烈性酒 [the sticks][美国口语]乡镇;边远地区;边远林区 [俚语]大麻卷烟 【体育】 球棍,球棒;(尤指)曲棍球棍 [用复数]【曲棍球】举棍过肩(犯规动作) [体育俚语]冲浪板 [用复数]【体育】 栏架 足球球门 【造船】桅杆;桁 【印刷】= composing stick 【军事】 集束炸弹,连续投下的一串炸弹 [俚语](从飞机同一出口)连续跳下的一组伞兵 vt. 用杆支撑: to stick a young pine 用杆支撑住一棵小松树 【印刷】把(活字)排在排字盘里 短语: A stick is quickly (或 soon)found to beat a dog. [谚语]欲加之罪何患无辞。 beat someone to sticks [俚语]彻底打败某人,把某人打得落花流水 carry a big stick over [口语]对…施行强权;对…严加控制 eat stick 挨棍子,挨打 get (或 take) stick 受到严厉责备 give someone the stick 棍打某人;惩罚某人 stick for stick and carrot for carrot 以打对打,以拉对拉 take a stick to 用棍棒打(某人);惩罚(某人) 变形: vt. sticked . sticking stick2 [stik] vt. 刺,戮: The doctor stuck my finger with a needle to get blood sample. 医师用一根针刺破我的手指取血样。 刺死: to stick an ox 刺死一头牛 They stuck a bison with spears. 他们用长矛刺死了一头野牛。 戳穿,刺穿: to stick a sword through the target 用军刀刺穿靶子 插入,插牢: to stick a peg in a pegboard 把挂钉插入挂钉板内 to stick a needle into a pincushion 把针插入针垫 钉住,钉牢: to stick a map on the wall 把地图钉在墙上 to stick a nail on the wall 在墙上钉上一颗钉子 把…插在…尖上,用…固定…(以制作标本等);制作…的标本: He stuck a piece of fried fish on the fork and put it on the plate. 他用叉子插起一块炸鱼放在了盘子里。 to stick a pin through the papers 把文件用大头钉别起来 (用尖物刺入)装饰;布置: to stick a flower in the upper pocket 在上衣袋插入一朵鲜花 to stick some badges on the overcoat 在大衣上别上几枚徽章 用…布置(或装饰): to stick shelves full of chinaware 用瓷器布满置物架 放置: to stick one's hat on the table 把帽子放在桌上 伸出,使突出: to stick one's head out of the window 把头伸出窗外 He stuck his right hand in his jacket's pocket,as if he held a pistol. 他把右手揣在夹克的口袋里,就像他手里握着一把手枪似的。 粘牢;粘贴: to stick a stamp on the envelope 在信封上贴邮票 It could be stuck with such adhesive. 用这种胶能把它粘住。 使变黏;(用黏性物)涂敷: to be stuck by stirring 使搅动得变黏稠 to stick glue on the paper 在纸上涂胶水 阻止,使停止[常用于被动语态]: to be stuck by a storm for a week 被暴风雪围困达一星期 My car was stuck in the mud. 我的汽车陷在泥里不能动弹。 难住,使困惑;把…搞糊涂: Your question sticks me! 你的问题可把我给难住了。 I was stuck by the situation. 我被这种局面搞糊涂了。 忍耐,忍受;经受住,阻挡住: I can't stick his rudeness any more. 我再也不能容忍他的无礼了。 to stick the experience of the battle 经受战斗的洗礼 [口语](把不称心的事)强加于(某人),难为(某人);欺骗;欺诈: They persistently stuck him with fund collection. 他们坚持把筹划基金的工作交给他做。 to stick someone with much money 诈骗某人的大笔金钱 【木工】拔出(钉子),使松动 【制陶】把…粘在一起 vi. 刺入,被穿入,被插入: The arrow stuck in the tree. 这枝箭射插在树上。 He saw a dagger sticking in his car's tyre. 他看到一把匕首插在他汽车的轮胎上。 被钉住,被粘住,被粘贴: a nail sticking on the wall 钉在墙上的一颗钉子 On the wall many pictures of baseball stars stuck. 墙上贴满了棒球明星的画片。 萦绕,萦回: a fact that sticks in the mind 萦绕在脑海里的一件事 保留,留下;长久保留: Stick here for her. 你留下来等她。 These stuck for you. 这些是留给你的。 坚持,固守;遵守: She stuck to the work until it is finished. 她坚持工作,直到把工作完成为止。 (决心等)坚定不移;(观点)坚持不变: She still stuck no matter how hard I tried to persuade her. 无论我怎么劝说她,她依然坚持自己的观点。 堵塞,卡住;停顿下来: Her zipper stuck halfway up. 他的拉锁拉上一半时卡住了。 The motion stuck as soon as it was put forth. 该项动议一经提出就遭到搁置。 被难住,处于困境;困惑 犹豫,踌躇;有顾虑: to stick at giving up the rescue 在放弃营救上犹豫不决 He's not a man who sticks at trifles. 他是个不拘小节的人。 突出;伸出(常与 through,out 等连用): His help arm stuck out to me. 他向我伸出了救援之手。 the rocks that stuck out 悬崖 紧靠,依附;紧随: to stick against the wall 紧贴在墙上 His dog always sticks to him. 他的狗总跟在他的身边。 继续有效;被认为有效: The item of the Law has stuck. 该项法律条款依然有效 n. 刺;戮 停止,停顿 障碍物;妨碍 粘,粘力,粘性 粘性物,粘贴剂 【证券】滞销自购 近义词: adhere . cleave . cling . cohere 反义词: part . detach . separate 短语: a few of sticks (of furniture) 几件不值钱的家具 (as)cross as two sticks 见 cross as a stick 不知如何是好;为难,困惑 be (或 get) on the stick [美国俚语] 效率高,麻利 警惕 be (或 get) stuck 被难住;被困住,无法摆脱 上当 be stuck for [口语] 想不起来,想不出 因缺乏…而停顿 be stuck on [俚语]特别喜欢,被迷住 be (或 get) stuck with [俚语] 不得不接受(或接待) 无法摆脱;被…缠住无法前进 be tarred with the same stick 见 tar¹ carry the stick 流浪,游荡 cut one's stick (或 sticks) [俚语]赶紧离开,急忙逃走 get (或 have,hold of) the right end of the stick 处于有利地位,占上风 理解正确,无差错 get (或 have,hold of) the wrong end of the stick 处于不利地位 颠倒(立场等) [口语]完全误解,全搞错了 get on the stick = be on the stick get stuck in [俚语]使劲干,全神贯注地工作 hold a stick to 能与…相比,堪与…相提并论(或匹敌等) hold sticks with = hold a stick to hop the stick [俚语] 突然离去 死 in a cleft stick 在进退两难中 more…than one can shake a stick at [美国口语]…多得不可胜数,…多极了 on the stick [俚语]十分用心;十分用功 out in the sticks [美国口语]远离城镇,在偏远地区 shake a stick at [美国口语]关心,注意 stick'em up [口语]把手举过头顶,举起手来 stick fast 紧紧固定住,牢牢粘住 陷入困境 无法前进 拒不退让;屹立不动 stick in someone's gizzard (或 stomach) 见 gizzard stick in someone's throat 见 throat stick in the mud 见 mud stick it [俚语] 不松懈;坚持 忍受,忍耐[亦作 stick at it, stick it out] 站稳脚跟,站住了脚;干得很好,干得不错 stick it into someone [俚语] 向某人索取高价 强行借某人的钱 stick it on [俚语] 索取高价 夸大其词 stick it out [俚语]坚持到底;忍耐下去 stick it there! = put it there [见put] stick it to 不公正地对待,苛刻地对待;利用 stick one's neck out 见neck stick to one's colours (或 guns) 见 colour 或 gun stick to someone's ribs 见 rib stick with it [美国英语]忍耐 the dirty(或short, sticky) end of the stick [美国英语]不公平的待遇;最坏的处境;吃亏受骗 the only stick left in one's hedge 最后的手段 wield (或 shake) the (或 a) big stick [美国英语]挥舞大棒,执行“大棒政策” with a stick in it [口语](茶、咖啡等)掺白兰地的,加酒的 变形: vt. stuck . sticking |
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