

单词 swarping


Usually done in the fall. You and your family or friends, or by yourself if you're that desperate, take a ride in a small truck or jeep, leaving at around dusk. The whole intent of swarping is to see a Buck (male deer). The first person to see this creature is immune from buying the end treat, continue this until only one person is left to buy the end treat. Swarping is not only about searching for a Buck, generally you take the backroads, the boonies, "grandpa's shortcuts". Essentially getting lost. Swarping is a bonding experience, enjoyable for all ages.
The end treat is usually Icecream.
The act of swarping is usually done by Appalachian Americans, rednecks, southern folk.
> Grandpa can we go swarping? it's good weather and theres bound to be lots of deer!
> Yeah, we were swarping when my tires got stuck in the mud, but all that hard work of getting them out payed off with that delicious McDonalds $1 ice cream!




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