tan someone's hide
tan someone's hide
tan someone's hide
[口语]痛打某人;狠狠鞭打某人[亦作 tan the hide off someone, 见 hide]
give something a once-over
give something as security
give something a try
give something away
give something a whirl
give something a wipe
give something back
give something best
give something for
give something in
give something in pawn
give something one's best shot
give something out
give something the air
give something the college try
give something the go-by
give something the goose
give something the old college
give something the old college try
give something the once-over
give something the pas to
give something the works
give something to in pledge
give something to pledge
give something to someone on a plate
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更新时间:2025/3/18 19:06:24