tan someone's hide
tan someone's hide
tan someone's hide
[口语]痛打某人;狠狠鞭打某人[亦作 tan the hide off someone, 见 hide]
Incision of epidural or extradural space of brain
Incision of epigastric region
Incision of esophageal web
Incision of esophagus
Incision of external auditory canal
Incision of external auditory meatus
Incision of external ear
Incision of extraocular muscle
Incision of eyebrow
Incision of eyelid
Incision of eyelid margin
Incision of eyelid margin for trichiasis
Incision of face
Incision of facial bone
Incision of fallopian tube
Incision of fascia
Incision of fascial compartments of head
Incision of fascial compartments of neck
Incision of fascia of hand
Incision of fascia of hand with division
Incision of fascia with division
Incision of female perineum
Incision of femur without division
Incision of fibula
Incision of flank
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更新时间:2025/3/19 2:24:40