《英文msh词典》Treponema Immobilization Test
[主题词] Treponema Immobilization Test
[入口词] Immobilization Test,Treponema
[入口词] Immobilization Tests,Treponema
[入口词] Test,Treponema Immobilization
[入口词] Tests,Treponema Immobilization
[入口词] Treponema Immobilization Tests
[中文释义] 密螺旋体制动试验
[英文释义] Syphilis serodiagnosis employing as the antigen Treponema pallidum obtained from rabbit syphilis orchitis. Treponemes are kept alive for a few hours in a special medium. When syphilitic serum and complement are added and incubated,the treponemes are immobilized,i.e.,stop moving.