

单词 tumbleset


音节分段:tumbleset; AHD音标:t?m“b…l-sμt”; 国际音标:6tJmb*l7set; 美国音标:6tJmb*l7sWt; See somersault; 语源:; Blend of tumble; somerset alteration of somersaut variant of somersault; The Lower Southern wordtumbleset for somersault combines tumble with -set, which at first glanceseems not to have any relationship to-sault in somersault. However,-set is an old l -less variant of -sault (from Latin saltus, “a leap”) that has been an alternative pronunciation throughout the word's history;hence, the variantsomerset. Somer- is an alteration of Old French sobre-, from Latin supra, “over.” In the wordtumbleset, as in a folk etymology, somer-, part of a compound word that no longer bears any meaning for the speakers, has been replaced bytumble, a word that makes more sense in the context.




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