

单词 Virtual Machine/eXtended Architecture Migration Aid (VM/XA Migration Aid)

Virtual Machine/eXtended Architecture Migration Aid (VM/XA Migration Aid)

An operating system that facilitates conversion to MVS/XA by allowing several operating systems (a production system and one or more test systems) to run simult aneously on a single 370XA processor. The VM/XA Migration Aid has three compon ents: the control program (CP), the conversational monitor system (CMS), and the dump viewing facility.; IBM的一种便于作系统转换的操作系统,它可以在一台370XA处理机上同时运行多个操作系统 (如一个生产系统和一个或多个测试系统),该系统由三部分组成:控制程序(CP)、会话监督系统 和转储观察程序。




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