yohlu quartzite
yohlu quartzite
岳麓石英岩{上泥盆纪}, 岳麓石英岩〔上泥盆纪〕
index number of arithmetic average
index number of building industry production
index number of business
index number of capacity utilization
index number of construction
index number of construction activity
index number of construction cost
index number of export prices
index number of farm output
index number of food production
index number of grain production
index number of gross domestic production
index number of gross national production
index number of harmonic averages
index number of import and export
index number of import prices
index number of imports and exports
index number of industrial production
index number of invariable construction
index number of labour productivity
index number of nominal wages
index number of operation of manufacturing industry
index number of per capita food production
index number of physical volume
index number of plasticity
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更新时间:2025/3/16 16:10:53