

单词 Acquired Hyperostosis Syndrome

Acquired Hyperostosis Syndrome

《英文msh词典》Acquired Hyperostosis Syndrome
[主题词] Acquired Hyperostosis Syndrome
[同义词] SAPHO Syndrome
[入口词] Acquired Hyperostosis Syndromes
[入口词] Hyperostosis Syndrome,Acquired
[入口词] Hyperostosis Syndromes,Acquired
[入口词] SAPHO Syndromes
[入口词] Syndrome,Acquired Hyperostosis
[入口词] Syndrome,SAPHO
[入口词] Syndromes,Acquired Hyperostosis
[入口词] Syndromes,SAPHO
[中文释义] 获得性骨肥大综合征
[英文释义] Syndrome consisting of synovitis,acne,palmoplantar pustulosis,hyperostosis,and osteitis (SAPHO). The most common site of the disease is the upper anterior chest wall,characterized by predominantly osteosclerotic lesions,hyperostosis,and arthritis of the adjacent joints. The association of sterile inflammatory bone lesions and neutrophilic skin eruptions is indicative of this syndrome.




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