body configuration
body configuration
《英汉医学词典》body configuration
Lysis of adhesions of artery-vein-nerve bundle
Lysis of adhesions of biliary tract
Lysis of adhesions of blood vessel
Lysis of adhesions of bursa
Lysis of adhesions of bursa of hand
Lysis of adhesions of choanae of nasopharynx
Lysis of adhesions of conjunctiva
Lysis of adhesions of cortical meninges
Lysis of adhesions of cranial nerve
Lysis of adhesions of cranial nerve ganglion
Lysis of adhesions of extraocular muscle
Lysis of adhesions of eyelid
Lysis of adhesions of eye muscle
Lysis of adhesions of fallopian tube
Lysis of adhesions of fascia
Lysis of adhesions of fascia of hand
Lysis of adhesions of female perineum
Lysis of adhesions of gallbladder
Lysis of adhesions of hand
Lysis of adhesions of intestines
Lysis of adhesions of joint
Lysis of adhesions of kidney
Lysis of adhesions of larynx
Lysis of adhesions of liver
Lysis of adhesions of mediastinum
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更新时间:2025/3/15 9:18:07