Buerger Bush-clover Root and Lesf
Buerger Bush-clover Root and Lesf
《英汉药名关联词典》Buerger Bush-clover Root and Lesf
[中文名] 女金丹
[拼音] Nujindan
[拉丁名] Radix seu Folium Lespedezae Buergeri
[英文名] Buerger Bush-clover Root and Lesf
[所属科名] 豆科
[入药部位] 根、叶
Thyroid hormone aminotransferase
thyroid hormone associated hypercalcemia
thyroid hormone-associated hypercalcemia
thyroid hormone autoantibody
thyroid hormone binding capacity
thyroid hormone binding globulin
thyroid hormone-binding globulin abnormality
thyroid hormone binding globulin abnormality
thyroid hormone-binding test
Thyroid hormone coupling defect
thyroid hormone dysgenesis
thyroid hormone dyssynthesis
thyroid hormone evaluation
thyroid hormone induced arrhythmia
thyroid hormone-induced arrhythmia
thyroid hormone-induced mania
thyroid hormone induced mania
thyroid hormone inhibition test
thyroid hormone metabolism
thyroid hormone preparation
thyroid hormone receptor
Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha 1
Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha-1
Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha 2
Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha-2
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更新时间:2025/3/15 16:35:07