

单词 Carcinoma,Ductal,Breast


[主题词] Carcinoma,Ductal,Breast
[同义词] Carcinoma,Infiltrating Duct
[入口词] Carcinoma,Invasive Ductal,Breast
[入口词] Carcinoma,Mammary Ductal
[入口词] Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,Breast
[入口词] Mammary Ductal Carcinoma
[入口词] Carcinomas,Infiltrating Duct
[入口词] Carcinomas,Mammary Ductal
[入口词] Mammary Ductal Carcinomas
[英文释义] An invasive (infiltrating) CARCINOMA of the mammary ductal system (MAMMARY GLANDS) in the human BREAST. This carcinoma,in which no special histological feature is recognized,is designated NOS or Not Otherwise Specified. NOS is by far the most common ductal tumor,accounting for almost 70% of breast cancers. It is characterized by stony hardness upon palpation. It commonly metastasizes to the axillary LYMPH NODES and its PROGNOSIS is the poorest of the various ductal types. (DeVita Jr et al.,Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology,3d ed,p1205)




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