Caryophanon tenue Ct Kas phage
Caryophanon tenue Ct Kas phage
《英汉医学词典》Caryophanon tenue Ct Kas phage
细核衣菌噬菌体Ct Kas
appropriation of money
appropriation of net income
appropriation of payment
appropriation of payments
appropriation of principal
appropriation of private and collectively owned property without compensation
appropriation of profit
appropriation of profit and loss
appropriation of profits
appropriation of property
appropriation of public property for private use
appropriation of retained earnings
appropriation of surplus
appropriation of surpluslabor
appropriation of surplus labor
appropriation of surplus value
appropriation of the funds
appropriation (of the human essence by and for man)
Appropriation Ordinance
appropriation period
appropriation plan
appropriation price
appropriation process
appropriation receipt
appropriation refund
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