单词 | catchest |
释义 | catchest[kætʃ] vt. 抓住,握住: He caught my hand and held it tightly. 他抓住我的手,紧紧地握住。 捉住;逮捕;俘获: They caught those bandits at last. 他们终于捉住了那些强盗。 (用陷阱、圈套等)捕获,套住;缠住: The fox was caught in the trap. 狐狸在陷阱里被套住。 接住;截住,拦截;挡住: You should catch the ball with both hands. 你应当用双手接球。 挂住,钩住;绊住;夹住: The nail caught my trousers. 钉子挂住了我的裤子。 Mind you, don't catch that cup with your elbow. 留神你的胳臂肘别刮掉了那只茶杯。 偶然发现;偶然撞见;发觉: I caught him just as he was leaving his office. 他正要离开办公室时我碰上了他。 The teacher caught the boy cheating. 老师发现那个男孩在作弊。 及时赶到,赶上,追上: I caught him before he had gone far. 他还没走远我就赶上他了。 He probably caught the ten-thirty train to Tianjin. 他可能赶十点半去天津的火车。 攫取;得到;承接: He caught a glimpse of his former lover in the theatre last night. 昨晚他在剧院里瞥见了他以前的情人。 That is a barrel to catch rain water. 那是一个接雨水的木桶。 突然打击,击中: I caught him on the head with a heavy blow. 我在他的头上重重一击。 A snow ball caught the passer-by on the shoulder. 一个雪球正打在过路人的肩上。 欺骗,蒙骗,使入圈套: No one was caught by his sugary words. 没有人被他的甜言蜜语所蒙骗。 引起(注意等);令(人)注意: The teacher knocked on the blackboard to catch our attention. 老师敲了敲黑板以引起我们的注意。 [口语]看到;听清;嗅到: I didn't catch what the chairman said. 我没听清主席说的话。 She caught a smell of burning. 她闻到一种烧糊东西的味。 感染上(疾病),患(病): She caught scarlet fever before Christmas. 圣诞节前她得了猩红热病。 招致,惹;遭受;着(火): Their house caught fire while they were away. 他们不在家时,住宅着火了。 He caught a scolding from his father. 他受到父亲一顿责骂。 领会,领悟,理解;听懂: Do you catch my meaning? 你听明白我的意思了吗? 勾画,描绘;再现: The painter tried to catch the beauty of his model. 画家设法再现模特儿的美。 吸引住,迷住;强烈感染: She was so caught up in the music that she forgot to have her supper. 她听音乐入了迷,连吃晚饭都忘了。 I caught the spirit of the occasion. 我受到当时的气氛的感染。 (风、雨等)袭击,冲击;(悲痛等)侵袭: They were caught by a storm last night. 昨天夜里他们遇上了暴风雨。 He was caught in a traffic jam this morning. 今天上午他遇上了堵车。 突然中止;屏住(呼吸): He caught himself before saying the wrong thing. 他及时住口才没有把话说错。 The news was so unexpected that I caught my breath from shock. 这个消息实在出人意料,我惊讶得一时喘不过气来。 Let us sit down for a moment while we catch our breath. 让我们坐下来喘一口气。 (用扣子)扣住;系住: She caught the clasp on her necklace. 她扣好项链上的搭扣。 受(阳光等的)照射: The pinnacle of the pagoda caught the last of the sun. 夕阳的余晖照射到塔尖上。 [常用被动语态]使怀孕: When I left Shanghai she had been caught. 我离开上海时她已怀孕。 [美国英语]【棒球】(为指定的棒球投手)接球;当接球手 [口语]看(电影、戏剧、电视等);听(广播节目): to catch a show 看表演 [俚语](警察等)受理案件: I'm catching it today. 今天是我负责受理诉案。 vi. 接;抓住,握住: He caught at the chance. 他急忙抓住这个机会。 Here's your bag. Catch! 这是你的书包,接着! (被)抓住;(被)钩住;(被)夹住: Her skirt caught in the door. 她的裙子被门夹住了。 The kite caught in the trees. 风筝被树挂住了。 锁住;系住: The lock won't catch. 这个锁锁不上。 The bolt didn't catch. 门闩扣不上。 着火;燃着,点着: The match caught instantly. 火柴立刻燃着。 [主英国英语](水)结冰: This pond often catches in winter. 这个池塘在冬天常常结冰。 【棒球】当接球手: He caught for the entire game. 在整个棒球比赛中都是由他充当接球手。 n. 抓;捕捉;捕获 捕获物 捕获量;捕鱼量 被抓住的人(或物) 值得追求的人(尤指夫或妻),宜于婚配的对象 门闩;拉手;窗钩;(箱子、盒子等的)搭扣,锁链 [美国口语]圈套,陷阱;欺骗,诡计;隐藏的难题;限制(或保留)条件 (诗歌、歌曲等的)片断;(文字等的)片断 (因情感激动引起声音等的)停顿,(喉咙的)哽塞,抽噎 [美国英语]抛接球游戏 【音乐】轮唱;(一种包含三部或四部的)幽默轮唱曲 【棒球】接球;接球手 (庄稼的)茁壮 (做某事或成为某种关系的)理想人物 adj. 迷惑人的,令人容易上当的 引人注目的,吸引人的;令人感兴趣的 近义词: capture . nab . trap . snare 短语: catch as catch can 能抓到什么就抓什么;无计划的;得过且过的;用一切办法的,不择手段的 catch it [口语]受责备,挨骂;受罚 [一般为儿语] Catch me (或him)…! [口语]我(或他)决不…! catch oneself (发觉自己讲错或做错而)突然住嘴(或住手),突然中止 catch someone napping (或bending off guard, off one's guard, on the hop) 使人措手不及,乘其不备 catch someone red-handed 当场捉住(或擒获)某人 catch someone tripping 抓到某人的毛病,抓住对方的失误 catch some rays [美国俚语]晒太阳,日光浴[见 ray] catch you later [口语]好吧,以后来看你, 再见 catch some Z's [口语]小睡片刻(Z的发音与打鼾的声音相似) lie upon the catch 埋伏以待 伺机挑剔 no catch 不值得,不值得买的物品;不合算的东西;不值得争取[亦作not much of a catch] 变形: vt. caught . catching |
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