Ciclopirox Liniment
Ciclopirox Liniment
《英汉药名关联词典》Ciclopirox Liniment
[中文通用名] 环吡酮搽剂
[英文通用名] Ciclopirox Liniment
like a morgue
like a mother hen
Like a moth to a flame
like a moth to the flame
like an anvil on a hammer
like an arrow
like an expert
like another
like an oven
like anything
...like anything
like any thing
like a parrot
like a person
like apples and oranges
like a rabbit caught in the headlights
Like a rat deserting a sinking ship
like a rat in a hole
like a red rag to a bull
like a ripe plum
like a rock
like as
like a scalded cat
like as chalk and cheese
like a shag on a rock
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更新时间:2025/3/19 19:13:32