combined main and exhaust steam turbine
combined main and exhaust steam turbine
Dilation of anus
dilation of aortic valular stenosis
dilation of aortic valvular stenosis
Dilation of biliary duct by ERCP
Dilation of bladder
Dilation of bladder neck
Dilation of bronchus
Dilation of cardiac sphincter of esophagus
Dilation of cervical canal
Dilation of choanae of nasopharynx
Dilation of colon
Dilation of colostomy stoma
Dilation of esophagus
Dilation of esophagus by balloon or Starck dilator
Dilation of esophagus over guide wire or string
Dilation of fallopian tube
Dilation of female urethra with anesthesia
Dilation of foreskin in newborn
Dilation of frontonasal duct
Dilation of ileostomy stoma
Dilation of intestinal stoma
Dilation of lacrimal duct
Dilation of lacrimal punctum
Dilation of lacrimal punctum with irrigation
Dilation of lacrimal punctum without irrigation
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更新时间:2025/3/15 15:04:05