D Cal
D Cal
《英汉药名关联词典》D Cal
[中文商品名] 迪巧
[英文商品名] D Cal
[中文通用名1] 儿童维D钙咀嚼片
[英文通用名1] Calcium Supplement With Vitamin D Chewable Tablets-Children'S Formula
[中文通用名2] 维D钙咀嚼片
[英文通用名2] Calcium Supplement With Vitamin D Chewable Tablets
preventing a person's foot being trapped
preventing arcing on current collectors
preventing at lift valves
preventing attack of malaria
preventing bolting
preventing bridge formation with large container
preventing bridge formation with large containers
preventing by moistening
preventing by spinning or twisting
preventing cable SLACK on cranes
preventing cancer with trace element se
preventing, capacito r, electric
preventing casehardening
preventing cavitation
preventing collisions
preventing corrosion
preventing cough
preventing (counter-acting)
preventing crop lodging
preventing damage
preventing damage of bearings during STORAGE
preventing damage of bearings during TRANSPORT
preventing damages during the execution of construction work
preventing damage to building elements during the execution of construction work
preventing decay
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更新时间:2025/3/20 21:20:57